Some often view the Eastern Cape’s economy through the lens of its auto industry, amongst other sectors. However, the province does well in agriculture — in various commodities, including dairy, wool, sheep farming, and citrus.
The Eastern Cape is also making encouraging inroads, boosting communal farmers’ output on wool and, soon, hopefully, in other value chains. The efforts for inclusive growth require a collaborative effort between the government and the private sector.
On October 7, 2024, with my colleagues at the Agricultural Business Chamber of South Africa, we met with multiple agribusinesses operating in the province for our members’ engagements sessions. One of the things I noticed in our engagements is the rising optimism about the outlook for the sector in the province and the upcoming 2024-25 season. This is important because, for some time, the province has been strained by animal disease and water challenges in some key agricultural regions.
But optimism is not without a deep appreciation of the challenges. The agribusinesses are concerned about various challenges, including poor-performing municipalities, deteriorating roads that increase transaction costs, animal disease issues, etc.
The political leadership of the Eastern Cape must realise that the province has great potential in agriculture and agritourism. And to unlock this potential, the provincial government and municipalities must do their part in improving roads, access to water, and water infrastructure, and addressing crime, in addition to issues that require the national Department of Agriculture’s intervention. I have recently discussed what the new leadership in the Department must consider in their policies, which would be beneficial to the Eastern Cape (read here).
However, for a more comprehensive discussion, I outlined the critical interventions that could unlock the Eastern Cape’s agricultural possibilities in my latest book, A Country of Two Agricultures. I hope you can get a copy and read it. It is available nationwide in all good bookstores and on eBook platforms.
Follow me on X (@WandileSihlobo).