Today I participated at the Potato Industry Forum organised by Potatoes South Africa. I was asked to make a few remarks about South Africa’s agricultural policy, with a particular focus on land
After my speech, Dr André Jooste, CEO of Potato South Africa presented an industry update which covered a wide range of issues, such as production, transformation, capacity building of new farmers, and international trade, amongst other aspects of the
On the international trade front, Jooste highlighted the industry’s objective of growing its footprint on export markets. Now, this is somewhat a resurrection of a subject that fellow agricultural economist, Dr Tinashe Kapuya, and I once spent time
In 2015, we wrote a short report which identified potential market opportunities for South African potatoes industry in the African continent. I am not sure if anyone noticed it then, hence I thought it would be good to repost it. You can access the full report here.
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