If you managed to part ways with some of your hard-earned Rands by acquiring a copy of the Business Day this morning, you could have read my column, which you probably thought offered sufficient agricultural rumination for one day.

However, I just had to share this wonderful chart (featured image) depicting South African fruit contribution to the global market as it is a welcome feather in our cap. More so, as challenges such as policy uncertainty and climate change remain dark clouds overhead.

The chart is from a presentation by Professor Ferdi Meyer of the Bureau of Food and Agricultural Policy at the University of Pretoria. It is based on their 2017 Baseline study. Here are key points:

  • South African citrus now makes up almost 9% of world market share from 4% 16 years ago.
  • SA grapes, as well as apples and pears, account for about 6%. All gaining world market shares.
  • Unfortunately, South African wine global market share declined by a third from its peak in 2010 to 2%. Other countries are growing faster.

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